Blog Archive
Why Women?
When people ask me “Why women?” I am often perplexed, discouraged and frustrated. Are we still having this conversation? Yes, yes we are. And we must continue to have this conversation.
Harvard's 19th Annual Social Enterprise Conference
Social enterprise celebrates multiple bottom-lines and I am grateful to be a part of a company that is pushing this possibility forward.
Permagardens & Peanut Butter
If there is anything I have learned about my experience working at TWB it is that women’s empowerment and education can be used to combat food insecurity and malnutrition in the home.
The Power of Bread Gives Back Life to Women
Indeed, the power of bread gives back life because it not only enables job and community nutrition, but the opportunities for improved livelihoods. That’s bread power.
Working for Future Generations in Rwanda
In Rwanda, we also say, "in every seed, there is hope to grow a forest." I am grateful to be working with TWB and to grow this vision and work - together.
A Real Sign of Success
I stood back and realized that this was the best thing that could happen – the women were now better at baking than I was. The women were teaching me how to make bread! If this isn’t a sign of success, I don’t know what is. And it is a testament to both the women and our incredible TWB team.
Real Impact on Women
Through working at a bakery, our hope is that women can build and invest in social networks to prevent future violence. We have installed my position of Bakery Operations Manager (BOM) to serve as much more to the women – a leader, a counselor, and a mentor – with the hope that women have a safe place to discuss challenges they face in society.
Fresh Beets & Carrots for TWB Gardens
At TWB, we are hoping to implement bakery gardens at all sites where fresh vegetables can be the harvested and used directly for their baked goods.
Knowledge Gained & Life Long Connections
Without question, I have expanded my knowledge while with TWB, and even better, have formed lifelong connections. I have always had a team there to support me. It is a great pleasure to work with women by giving the opportunity for all of us to empower each other in our regional community and all over the world.
Cooperative Women
Though, the cooperative model is something that our groups of women are used to – developing this into a business model takes time, but it’s happening.
Women Can!
We believe that teaching women to ride bikes and to use them for the development of their business will empower other women who are still shy to try to do something different. We believe in women’s capabilities. We believe in empowerment for all.
Meet Francoise!
Francoise Umutoniwase, our new marketing intern, has joined our team in Kigali to lead marketing efforts and this week, TWB sat down with Francoise to learn more about her education, interests, and what excites her most about working with The Women’s Bakery.
Women's Participation in Economic Development
We believe in women’s capabilities and we work hard to support them in being active citizens and helping them to become breadwinners in their families.
One of our long-time supporters, Kathryn Melton, shares why TWB inspires her - and why she continues to believe in the work we are doing right now in Rwanda, Tanzania, and beyond.
Achieving Goals!
Our women are so committed and self-determined to secure long awaited growth, not just for themselves but for their families and this country.
Why Growing the TWB Family is like Rugby
Growing our TWB family is (and should be) relationship-focused, built on experiences together.
Music & Bread: Reflections on 'Bread Beats' in Boulder
'Bread Beats' was a resounding success; with music from Emily Robinson, stories about TWB, and other power-house women in the audience, bread power definitely came to life!
Yvonne's Dreams
Yvonne is a new intern with TWB - and she has big dreams for where she is going.
The More You Know
We get by with help from our friends! Here's how TWB's commitment to education and empowerment is sparking interest with different individuals, groups, and organizations.
Confidence Rising
After visiting TWB headquarters in Kigali and celebrating a launch in Denver, Founder Markey Culver reflects on the growth and possibility for The Women's Bakery.