Knowledge Gained & Life Long Connections

Sandrine Umubyeyi started interning with The Women’s Bakery in Rwanda after learning about TWB through her friend and TWB Operations Manager, Yvonne. As Bakery Operations Intern, Sandrine is working closely with the Ndera Bakery (Rwanda) to support our business oversight services. Since April, Sandrine has been working with our staff and providing great additions to our team.

The knowledge gained through my internship with The Women’s Bakery is actively complementing and enhancing my education at University. From an operations perspective, I have been exposed to various accounting activities within the bakery. This was an important skill-set to develop so I could analyze the numbers for improved processes within the business.

The Women’s Bakery has also provided the opportunity learn about working in a professional environment, with experienced professionals. These professionals are highly dedicated and passionate – this helps my experience as an intern so that I can receive a practical and educational experience. Observing other professionals has helped me maintain an open mind to what it means to run a business, and how one can best go about this.

Currently, I am working to complete my Bachelor’s degree and realizing new skills that I hold, which I didn’t realize I had before. In a small business setting like TWB, I have had to rely on customer service and communication. Without these, success in the small business sector becomes difficult. In the managerial role that I work within our Ndera Bakery, I am often challenged to delegate, advise, communicate, and manage. Balancing these aspects of leadership is not always easy, but my time with TWB has helped shape and improve these personal and professional skill-sets.

Without question, I have expanded my knowledge while with TWB, and even better, have formed lifelong connections. I have always had a team there to support me. It is a great pleasure to work with women by giving the opportunity for all of us to empower each other in our regional community and all over the world. That’s #bread power.


Growth & Reflection


Cooperative Women