Women's Participation in Economic Development
The Women’s Bakery provides business education, life skills, and applied baking and nutrition skills to women. Through education and vocational training, women learn to source local, nutritious ingredients to produce and sell affordable breads in their communities. This helps them to change their life status from poverty and unemployment to permanent employment and becoming independent women.
Across the world women are considered to be the most important element in a family. They are multitasking; they give birth, take care of children, husband and family. But we can’t forget that they are also making a substantial contribution towards the process of economic transformation and sustainable growth not only in family but also in the community.
The Women’s Bakery has put into consideration women’s participation in the economic development of a family by empowering women and at the same time supporting them to play a vital role in country development through business trainings and starting bakery businesses.
We believe in women’s capabilities and we work hard to support them in being active citizens and helping them to become breadwinners in their families.
#womencan #womenscapabilities #womensempowerment