Blog Archive
No electricity? No problem, we can still bake!
TWB, in partnership with local welders, has engineered, a cool yet simple to operate wood oven model that is replicated across all remote TWB Bakeries.
Knowledge Sharing at TWB
At TWB, we believe that transformation can truly happen once women can transfer the skills and knowledge they gained to their children or their neighbor.
That is now happening.
The Story Behind the Curriculum
With accreditation, TWB is a viable option for women who cannot attend University and may not fit the mold elsewhere. We bring together vocational skill development with knowledge, exploration, and community.
This is the beauty of education and we look forward to the journey as we continue to innovate, discover, and grow with our bakeries. #breadpower
Zoomed in on Gicumbi
In 2018, TWB is focusing on Gicumbi as our next training and bakery launch site. Our preparations are on a good track, including developing the training schedule, partner relationships, and interview process for the participants. We will be launching the training for this group on April 23rd.
Our Days Are Filled with Problems to Be Fixed
The simple, most important lesson I have learned in Rwanda is that our days are filled with barriers, but almost every barrier also has a solution. Every day, multiple times a day, we need to craft solutions to meet the challenges, regulations, and broken systems that we face.
From Scratch: Our Flagship Story
Building something from scratch takes work. It takes grit. It takes passion and endurance. But those are things that the staff at The Women’s Bakery embodies well.
Education & Nutrition are the Keys to Life
We will keep nutrition at the core of what we do so that through education and nutrition, healthy opportunities can abound.