Heather Newell Heather Newell

Bread Power in Texas - Part II

This is what can happen when people who believe in empowering women set out to do just that. 

written by Emma Nelson, Texas A&M University

The Women’s Bakery A&M Chapter in College Station, TX is officially two years old, growing, and constantly finding new ways to succeed its mission. I was so lucky to be able join TWB A&M at the very beginning in the Fall of 2016 when the organization was just starting out with a small group of determined members inspired by strong women baking bread. Our members have believed in and worked passionately for the purpose of this chapter from the start and to reflect on its successes and achievements brings me so much pride and joy!

Our Chapter exists to raise awareness about TWB, educate students about women’s empowerment and social entrepreneurship, and raise funds to support The Women’s Bakery. In two years, our members and officers have pursued and created ways to achieve these goals that bring the inspiration and concept behind TWB to more and more people. Some of the ways we accomplish this include; educational meetings, awareness events, profit shares with local businesses, partnerships with fellow student organizations, bake sales, and social media campaigns.

In the past year TWB A&M has held multiple campus outreach events, delivered presentations for A&M classes, screened documentaries, educated members on global issues, partnered with similar organizations, and officially established the TWB A&M Scholarship.The Scholarship was created by our chapter to cover the entire cost of the TWB training for one woman which gives her the education and opportunities that will equip her to gain a steady income and increase her autonomy. Through lots of dedication and work, our members have raised enough to sponsor four women through our scholarship!

This is the impact of TWB A&M! This is what can happen when people who believe in empowering women set out to do just that. TWB A&M is made up of friends that support each other and work together to achieve our goals to empower ourselves and others. We’d love for you to follow and keep up with us as we grow on our social media platforms!

Find us @twbtamu !!

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