Aurore Speaks on the Importance of Self-Care

At The Women’s Bakery, we encourage each other to take care of ourselves, especially in such uncertain, ever-changing times. In this blog posts, Aurore, Flagship Operations Manager, shares her thoughts on self-care. 

Why do you think self-care is so important?

“When you want to show people that you care about them, you meet them or visit them at their houses. You might even call them, give them gifts, or compliment them - the list is endless. But for us, the best way to communicate to ourselves that we value our own lives is through self care.

Self care leads to self discovery and provides us with insight into what we need to do to become a better version of ourselves. It affects our mental, emotional and physical health and it is a secret to live a balanced life. Moreover, self care goes hand in hand with self love. Therefore, because we give what we can, in order to care about others and love them, we need to practice self-care first.”


What does self-care look like to you?

“I see self care as a variety of activities that benefits me such as meditation or yoga. My favorite self-care activity is taking myself out on a date: dressing up, picking up food or dining in at a favorite restaurant, and enjoying time with myself.” 

How do you encourage strong women baking bread to engage in self-care? What does self-care look like for the Kigali team?

“I always advise women bakers to go home and take ample rest after their shifts and to do something that refuels them with their families or even alone. In addition, I encourage everyone to regularly check with their doctors, especially to those who have known health issues.

For the Kigali team, self care is a combination of many activities including time alone, eating nutritious meals, getting enough rest, reading books, traveling and praying. Self-care can also come in the form of purposeful work at the bakeries because our muscles and brain are functioning and being fed with new skills or acquiring knowledge.”


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