Collaboration: Global Health Corp and The Women's Bakery
Last year I had the honor of being a Global Health Corp Fellow based in Boston working as a Program Manager for an organization called Vecna Cares. Our organization helped to provide light-weight electronic medical records to low-resource settings. Having this experience meant that not only did I gain valuable skills working in the realm of public health, I also was part of a cohort of 132 other like-minded individuals from around the globe that were also fighting for health equity. When I finished my fellowship in July, before starting with The Women’s Bakery, I became one of over 600 Global Health Corp alumni scattered around the world. The most valuable part of the Fellowship to me was the friendships I made. From the start we realized we would always be stronger when we worked together!
Meg and JP, Global Health Corp Fellows 2014-2015, procuring oven supplies in Kigali.
This sense of friendship and teamwork is also a core value of The Women’s Bakery, and Global Health Corp Fellows past and present have willingly stepped in to help us along the way. Take Allie (Global Health Corp Fellow 2015 – 2016) and JP (Global Health Corp Fellow 2014 – 2015) who work with MASS Design Group. They have been helping to organize the assembly of our oven prototype. Allie has also been fundraising for The Women’s Bakery by running the upcoming Kampala Marathon. She’s a rock star! In addition, we have been gaining valuable insight and advice from other past and present fellows in Rwanda and Uganda and are most excited to welcome our newest Women’s Bakery team member, Aime (Global Health Corp Fellow 2014 – 2015)! You can read his full bio here.